Air Attack is an online combat flight simulator developed by Ketsujin Studios. The game is designed to be a low-resource game, which everyone can play anywhere. That is why the download size is small, as well as the graphic quality is really low. However, what this game lacks in visual more than makes up in other areas. The simulation elements in the game are good enough, it's not a full-blown simulator, but it is not an arcade flying game either. The setting for the game is WWII, an era of very tough dogfights. As such, the game is filled with an amount of WWII-era aircraft from the allies and axis camps. Air Attack's main focus is online game-play. It has a huge community of enthusiasts that take the missions against each other very seriously. Though you can always have fun on your own, just joining a random combat server or mission server. You can play with the keyboard or with your own joystick, which is very recommended. Overall, the fun inside the game is good enough to overlook its bad graphics. Dogfights are very fun and there are a lot of good pilots in AA's skies. There are better-looking games out there with the same features; however, AA is free of charge, so it is not a bad choice.
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